Value of DTD

Driving The Dream brings many agencies together so you can quickly and easily connect to the resources you want and need. Helping you quickly navigate the many systems to ensure you receive the quality support you need.

How DTD Works?

DTD partner agencies coordinate with other agencies to create accessible resource networks. Driving The Dream uses a “no wrong door approach” that links services across organizations and sectors. We use a two-generation approach of tiered services that are family-centered, and levels of support vary depending on the individual needs of each family.


We Help Your Whole Family

The 2Generational Approach serves the whole family. Driving The Dream’s 2Gen approach boosts the power of our education, economic supports, health & well-being, and family/social capital systems, working closely with communities whose connections to these resources have become frayed and patchy over time.

How do I get Started

The system below can capture your needs and offer a referral to a partner. If you need support in multiple areas we can coordinate with a DTD Care Coordinator Hub to work closely with you in meeting your needs. You can also request assistance directly by calling 888-709-0630.