Funding Opportunities

United Way of the Mid-South provides financial support for human service organizations

Basic Conditions for United Way Funding

Agencies seeking new or continued funding through United Way of the Mid-South (United Way) are expected to comply with the following conditions:

  • Be incorporated, not-for-profit, tax exempt under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, and meet all applicable local, state , and federal regulations.
  • Provide health or human services based on documented needs to an identifiable population and/or geographic area within the service area of United Way.
  • Be non- discriminatory and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Have an active, rotating, volunteer Board of Directors as leadership that represents diverse elements of the community.
  • Have sound program and financial management.
  • Support, cooperate and identify with United Way.
  • Be physically located in one of the 8 counties in the United Way service area:  Crittenden, DeSoto, Fayette, Lauderdale, Shelby, Tate, Tipton or Tunica Counties.

United Way of the Mid-South provides financial support for human service organizations.

To be notified of open funding opportunities within your areas of service, please complete a Statement of Interest.

Equity Fund

United Way of the Mid-South Invites Proposals for the UWMS Equity Fund

The UWMS Equity Fund seeks to invest in grass-roots, community identified interventions and strategies to improve neighborhoods by addressing root causes of racial inequity. Root causes of Racial Inequity and Economic Inequity are defined as factors that decisively determine equality-of-life outcomes in Memphis neighborhoods. The intersection of both has profound impact on the well-being of residents, which are predominantly people of color.

This innovative funding opportunity will support the Equity Indicators below:

  • Economic Development
  • Strengthening Community Engagement & Leadership
  • Affordable, Safe Quality Housing and Home Ownership
  • Community and Public Safety
  • Access to  Healthy Eating/Active Living Opportunities

Applicants should submit proposals informed by local context and research, and that correspond to one or more of the identified Equity Indicators above.

Applicant Requirements

  1. Applicant or Applicant’s Fiscal Agent must be a nonprofit 501 c3 organization applying on behalf of the residents of a Defined Service Area, a neighborhood with specific geographic boundaries in Memphis, TN.
  2. Residents of the Defined Service Area must be majority people of color, or a subpopulation to be served by the Project, must be residents who are people of color.
  3. A minimum of 30% of households in the service area will be deemed as low income; defined as a household income of up to $25,000. Applicant Organization should have experience in community engagement. The project must include engagement of area residents.
  4. Proposed funded activities must be clearly documented as a need or opportunity identified by residents of the area to be served.

Funding Amount & Requirements

Funded partners will receive a one-time grant commitment with an award range of $5,000-$20,000. Maximum grant period will be 18 months.

Grant Round Application Process

Access to an on-line application may be requested by completing the Equity Fund Interest Form. Applicants will be notified when the next funding round begins and those that meet requirements will be invited to apply.

Details of application availability, grant application training and grant due dates will be posted here when available.