Supporting Staff, Supporting Youth-Serving Organizations: A Trauma-Informed Approach

Announcing a new training resource!

United Way of the Mid-South is making available to trainers a curriculum developed in partnership with the ACE Awareness Foundation to support youth workers in integrating what they have learned about ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and resilience into action through a Trauma Informed approach.

The curriculum is a 6 module training series including PowerPoint presentations, speaker notes and handouts.

  1. Learning About Adolescent Development and the Brain
  2. Understanding ACEs and Toxic Stress
  3. Helping Young People Build Social and Emotional Skills
  4. Explaining Trauma, Toxic Stress and the Brain to Youth
  5. Applying Trauma Informed Lens In your Work
  6. Fostering Your Emotional Health

To request access to the curriculum materials and “train the trainer” resources please complete the request.